graphic final

The scope of this project was to create either a vector or organic vector image of a normal image.This project took me about three weeks to finish completely. The biggest challenge I faced was creating the eyes. I couldn't get them to pop and the picture I used cropped out my eye lids a good portion. I learned a lot about the curved pen tool. it is very useful and I use it all the time.I took a lot of council from my peers for the background and they helped a lot with my eye dilemma. I didn't really change my idea over time . I kept it pretty much the same. I knew I wanted the organic model and I wanted to use my self. I think this is very good except for the eyes, didn't have much I could've done with them so I took what I could. 

The scope of this project was to create a personal log that could be used as a trade mark to make our work ours. This project from preproduction and finished product took about 2 weeks. The only challenge I faced was the colors to use. I had a lot  of ideas but I didn't know exactly how to get them out. I learned that making sketches is super useful and will shrink down the time that it would normally take to get it finished. I took a lot advice form my peers for this project. Blake helped me come up with the final logo that I used and he helped me add and subtract stuff from it. My idea changed a lot of the time we started and finished it, it started as a simple D and G and it became very complex and complicated but then it became very minimal and we settled with that. I am very satisfied with my work. this I think Is my best project . 

The scope was to create a poster for a band or an artist. This project including the postcards took me about 4 weeks. I didn't have many challenges at all. I learned a lot about the side of color and fonts to portray my artistic vision with the project. I took a lot of advice from mrs. Scott and mrs zimmerli. I changed a good amount of my original sketches, originally I had the tickets and poser being the shape of Mickey Mouse but after thought an advice I changed it to what it is now. I believe this is not my best work and I could've done better, I didn't focus in the beginning of the work time and that could've helped me a lot

I was semi focused most of class I spent a lot of my time doing sketches or mental ideas to spark my imagination to get better ideas for projects. I didn't do much outside research, that is one thing I regret. I critiqued my project but I usually didn't this time to fix what wanted to fix. I got advice from parents and friends that weren't in ecomm to get advice for how to improve my work.

in the past two year is have learned a lot about time management and how to make decent work good.  I learned a lot about hoe to get advice and who are the best people to ask. I learned also a lot about the pen tool and how to make straight lines and how to make things that are interesting and cool. I learned a lot about how to keep a home screen clean and neat.

 I need to improbabilities eon Time management and to make higher quality products. I want to focus on better communication in group projects and better communication with my brain and the work that I put out.

I really enjoyed video class and how videos come together and Alor about differentiations shots and how they come together to make a good final product.
 I wouldn't change anything, this class is a good work space and is a good environment to learn and create ideas a graphics. I would like to create a video that either wins a pixel or gets in the top 5.


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