Music video

the scope of the project was to recreate a music video that is as close to the original as possible.

Our process started with a lot of story boarding and talking about how we wanted to show the video with the highest obtainiable accuracy. It took a lot of filming and we had to use A lot of improvisation because of weather complications but we got through it. Well we had an editing party so that was fun, and we got all of our editing finished in that time.

I learned that I hate storyboarding and that it takes a lot of time and thought to create a music video

I learned a lot about how to edit Audio and how to slow down footage and speed it up and editing it overall.

I stayed with my project time and I got mine finished in time. But I learned a lot about how to communicate and how to make the most amount of the time we had

I would use my class time in class better and more effectively and I would have used more time editing and getting a better edit because I felt a little rushed to edit the whole video

I would definitely use the same group, I feel like they really pushed me and made me put out better work then if I wasn’t in the group. I had a very good vibe in this group and I think we really connected on a video perspective.

I will use a lot about the editing I’ve learned in the last little bit of time and I will use a lot of the director stuff that I observed from Nandini and Will.

o General thoughts & conclusions. I really enjoyed this group I feel like we had about of fun and put out a great product


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