final blog post


     Our product was the Stretch TV. it was a TV that could shrink or grow to any size. it took us to the last minute and our product would have been a lot better if we had more time. our only challenge was trying to stay on task and trying to get it don't in the time frame. we didn't receive negative feedback, but we didn't get much feedback anyway. we had many changes along the way, we changed our website 3 times and changed graphics many times. I am disappointed with my work. I didn't focus the whole time and I could have contributed more to the final product. my team members put in 110% towards the final product.

I worked only in class. Katie stayed after school one time but most of the work was done during class time. after we would finish a graphic or an ad we would work on other homework for the rest of the hour but the next day we would come in and get started on the next thing. we would communicate with each other with ideas or if someone finished an item of the product. the only thing I did outside of
    class was to try and think of ideas for                   graphics, ads, etc.

this adventure through e9 has helped me in many ways. I can operate computer quicker and more smooth then before I joined the program. even stuff like going to the movies and recognizing stuff that I thought was easy but now I realize how difficult making a movie is. this opens my employment search to a lot more jobs. I can maybe find a job designing t-shirts or making logos or ads  for friends or companies.

I still have a lot of room for improvement. I still and struggling with photo shop and some of premier pro. it'll take work but I am willing to try harder next year and focus more. I'm not in need of much support I will ned some guiding but I just need to focus and figure some tips and tricks for adobe applications.

I really liked this final product design idea. I think it is a great idea to present and show all of the things we have learned throughout our freshman year. the only thing I might change is to maybe have students pick their own group, because then they can pick who they know they work best with. I learned a lot through e9 and this quarter alone. I would like to set a goal to be better than what in was this year. I enjoy e-comm in many ways and I will stay in for the rest of the high school career.


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