Movie trailer
The scope of the project was to recreate a movie trailer that is as close to the original as possible. Our process started with a lot of story boarding and talking about how we wanted to show the video with the highest obtainiable accuracy. It took a lot of filming and we had to use A lot of improvisation because of alot of putting stuff off but we got through it. I learned that I hate storyboarding and that it takes a lot of time and thought to create a decent movie trailer and preproduction is terrible I learned a lot about how to Get around using premier becauee I had time constraints and was rushed with the editing process in general but I learned a lot about to be a team player and improvise I stayed with my project time and I got mine finished in time. But I learned a lot about how to communicate and how to make the most amount of the time we had I would use my class time in class better and more effectively and I would have used more time editing and getting a b...