I started with the frame for my website from the server. I wanted to go with a simple but attracting design. I feel I have accomplished my design. I accidentally put all off my projects in the website and I didn't have time to erase them.
T he scope of this project was to create either a vector or organic vector image of a normal image.This project took me about three weeks to finish completely. The biggest challenge I faced was creating the eyes. I couldn't get them to pop and the picture I used cropped out my eye lids a good portion. I learned a lot about the curved pen tool. it is very useful and I use it all the time.I took a lot of council from my peers for the background and they helped a lot with my eye dilemma. I didn't really change my idea over time . I kept it pretty much the same. I knew I wanted the organic model and I wanted to use my self. I think this is very good except for the eyes, didn't have much I could've done with them so I took what I could. The scope of this project was to create a personal log that could be used as a trade mark to make our work ours. Th is project from preproduction and finished product took about 2 weeks. T he only challenge I faced...
the scope of the project was to recreate a music video that is as close to the original as possible. Our process started with a lot of story boarding and talking about how we wanted to show the video with the highest obtainiable accuracy. It took a lot of filming and we had to use A lot of improvisation because of weather complications but we got through it. Well we had an editing party so that was fun, and we got all of our editing finished in that time. I learned that I hate storyboarding and that it takes a lot of time and thought to create a music video I learned a lot about how to edit Audio and how to slow down footage and speed it up and editing it overall. I stayed with my project time and I got mine finished in time. But I learned a lot about how to communicate and how to make the most amount of the time we had I would use my class time in class better and more effectively and I would have used more time editing and getting a better edit because I felt a little rushe...
It was more difficult to use the 6-shot system in this project than the printing project. You had to move alot more in this project than the printing project. You really had to think about the angles vs the last project. The brainstorming process was enjoyable. We focused the project on making the video a action film, and more serious than the last video. Editing was easier this time because we had a minute rather than 30 seconds. The clips were not as long and we cut them when we knew they were going be bad so we didn't have to edit a whole bunch. We showed me running through the halls trying to get to the library. We wanted to give the impression that i didnt know where I was going. So I went upstairs then back down the stairs. Me and my partner wanted a semi serious video but not to be super serious. We both wanted a action film with some obstacles.
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