color scemes of logos
Gatorade used the complementary colors of orange, and green. they chose these colors mean luck and creative.
Mountain Dew used the complementary colors of red and green. they used these colors mean power and luck.
YMCA used the analogous colors of blue and purple. they used these colors because they mean imagination and life.
Sprite used the analogous colors of blue and green. they used these colors because they mean luck and life.
the Vancouver Whitecaps used the cool colors of blue, white, and navy. they used these colors because they mean calm, life, and loyalty.
Sporting KC used the cool colors of clue, gray, and light blue. they used these colors because they mean loyalty and elegance
Animal Planet used the mono aromatic colors of green, light green, and dark green. they used these colors. because they mean luck and life.
Burger King used the triad colors of blue, red, and yellow. they used these colors because they mean love, calm, and rich.
Fanta used the triad colors of purple, orange, and green. they used these colors because they mean imagination, luck, and creativity.
McDonald's used the warm colors red and yellow. they used these colors because they mean rich and power.
Arsenal used the warm colors red and gold. they used these colors because they mean rich and danger.
Mountain Dew used the complementary colors of red and green. they used these colors mean power and luck.
YMCA used the analogous colors of blue and purple. they used these colors because they mean imagination and life.
Sprite used the analogous colors of blue and green. they used these colors because they mean luck and life.
the Vancouver Whitecaps used the cool colors of blue, white, and navy. they used these colors because they mean calm, life, and loyalty.
Sporting KC used the cool colors of clue, gray, and light blue. they used these colors because they mean loyalty and elegance
BAPE used the monochromatic colors of Brown and light brown. they used these colors because they mean stability and structure.
Animal Planet used the mono aromatic colors of green, light green, and dark green. they used these colors. because they mean luck and life.
Burger King used the triad colors of blue, red, and yellow. they used these colors because they mean love, calm, and rich.
Fanta used the triad colors of purple, orange, and green. they used these colors because they mean imagination, luck, and creativity.
McDonald's used the warm colors red and yellow. they used these colors because they mean rich and power.
Arsenal used the warm colors red and gold. they used these colors because they mean rich and danger.
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