color wheel

 color wheel project

Project Details:

          The project was making a color wheel. We spent a week on the project. We inserted two triangles, one big circle, three smaller circles, there small squares, and six small triangles. We had to insert a triangle with a primary color at each point, one with a secondary color at each point and a circle connecting all of the points. We had to put each of tertiary color in-between each of secondary and primary colors. 

What I Learned:

         I learned how to use illustrator and how graphic designers make their designs. I didn't know that people had shapes to make the designs. I always thought people used their mouse to draw shapes. I really liked using illustrator. I liked how friendly they made the interface. 

How I Did:

         I think I did good. I could have done better but I am satisfied with my performance. I would have had a partner checked my color because I am slightly colorblind but I can usually tell similar colors apart. I should have taken my time, I rushed though my project. 


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